Can You Use CBD For Managing Vulvodynia?

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CBD For Vulvodynia
CBD For Vulvodynia

At some point in their lives, many women experience vulval pain and discomfort. It’s called vulvodynia when the pain lasts for more than three months without a clear cause. Around 16 % of women in the United States are estimated to have vulvodynia at least once in their lives.

A vulvodynia patient wants to be free of this agonizing pain as soon as possible. In addition to being uncomfortable, vulvodynia interferes with intimacy with partners, which can be frustrating and even depressing for those who suffer from it. The treatment of vulvodynia can take a variety of forms, but there are no one-size-fits.

According to some recent studies, cannabidiol, which is a cannabinoid compound present in cannabis, can help in managing vulvodynia in women.

CBD For Vulvodynia

CBD can be used to treat vulvodynia for a variety of reasons. As a first step, CBD is well-known for its pain-relieving properties, and this applies to all parts of your body. Women with vulvodynia may also benefit from it because it is known to reduce anxiety. To cope with the pain they experience during penetration, they associate sexual activity negatively.

However, the benefits do not stop there. Vulvodynia can be treated with CBD because it relaxes the muscles, which are prone to contracting when you anticipate This can exacerbate vulvodynia or lead to vaginismus, both of which are painful conditions Injecting CBD suppository or applying CBD products to the vulva may surprise you with how effective the relaxation and pain relief is.

In addition to reducing inflammation, CBD can help to reduce the sensitivity of the genital nerves. Ibuprofen works by inhibiting the body’s ability to feel pain, but CBD works by inhibiting the same enzymes that Ibuprofen targets, reducing prostaglandin. This is a hormone-like substance that is responsible for causing pain, inflammation, and fever.

Other Uses Of CBD For Women

When applied directly to the vulva, cannabinoids can increase sexual pleasure for many women. When you apply phytocannabinoids to the skin, they will increase the blood flow to the area. That means increased blood flow around the vulva can increase sexual pleasure. Applying CBD oil topically or inserting a CBD suppository inside your vagina is a great way to improve your sex life. While buying CBD products, make sure to buy only those products that are tested in a third-party lab.