Best CBD Crystals

Do you have a jar or package of the best CBD crystals? If so, you are perhaps thinking about how to best use the CBD product. It is a versatile form of cannabidiol, which you can use in an array of ways. Here, we will discuss some possible ways of using it.

Dabbing With Cannabidiol Crystals

This form of cannabidiol is most commonly utilized for dabbing. The word dabbing means an activity that entails dropping the crystals onto a dab nail that is heated and turning these into vapor. The method of dabbing can work fast and effectively, so it is popular among customers of CBD isolate products.

However, dabbing requires some setup and acclimatization. You will have to purchase a new dab rig, besides practicing the dabbing technique. Moreover, vaping is still not meant for every customer, so it is perhaps not the right option for you to dab your cannabidiol concentrate.

Working Crystals Into E-Liquid

Are you a cannabis vaper? If so, you could mix cannabidiol crystals with your favorite vaping e-liquid. This will combine CBD crystal potency with the quality of the e-liquid product being tasty. You can also add cannabidiol crystals to e-liquids and nicotine when you want the quality of the former to be potent.

Just take your cannabidiol e-liquid cartridge and add a bit of isolate before warming it a bit and blending it well. The isolated product will then dissolve and be suspended in that liquid, and you will be good to go.

Make Cannabidiol Oil

You may make a cannabidiol oil product with CBD crystals. You will only require an oil product with a high amount of saturated fat, such as MCT oil, olive oil, or coconut oil. Blend it with the cannabidiol isolate and apply low heat at the same time, and your crystals will then dissolve.

Be sure that you keep the oil in a cool and dark place. Exposure to light is potentially damaging to phytocannabinoids and can ruin your cannabidiol oil product. When you are thinking about dosing, bear in mind that one gram of crystalline cannabidiol is 1000 milligrams of CBD. Therefore, when you utilize 30 milliliters of oil blended with a gram of cannabidiol crystals, 33 milligrams will be the final dose for each 1 milliliter of liquid.

What do you feel is the best way of using cannabidiol crystals? Do tell us.