CBD Topical

CBD has become the most talked-about celebrity in town! A browse through your feed will tell you how much people are talking about. What reinforces this is the close to $1 billion valuations that the CBD industry has managed to garner with its popularity. It is expected to rise even further over the years to come.

The brands that you can browse through are many and you can find the one product that works perfectly for you if you have the patience and heart to research. Of the many hot products that are available, CBD topicals have a niche market of their own stretching all the way from cosmetics and makeup to CBD balms, muscle relaxants and joint soothers. You needn’t stray too far from your search to find CBD bath bombs either.

Of all the CBD topical products that are available in the market, muscle relaxers and pain relievers are the most bought. But the question is, is this merely a placebo effect that people are experiencing, or is the hype train real? Let us find out…

Topical CBD And Pain Management

A simple one-word answer to the previously asked questions would be: Yes! CBD does work and there is a science to back up the claim. The most compelling results regarding the pain relieving properties of CBD are from a large review and meta-analysis that was formally published in JAMA in 2015. The study made use of finding from 79 other independent studies and agreed on the existence of the benefits. The problem lied in understanding why these benefits showed…

Answering The “Why”

In the case of topical application, the CBD doesn’t make its way into the bloodstream, which is again one of the difficulties in a topical cream. The difficulty here is to make it penetrate deep into the skin to produce an effect, but not deep enough to reach the bloodstream.

It is understood that CBD interacts with the nerve bundles on the skin and the underlying layers. The nerves which are again part of the Endocannabinoid system or ECS, have target sites on them namely CB1 and CB2 which on reaction with CBD help relieve pain. Further, the CBD dulls out the nerves in the area of application and reduces the inflammation that is triggered by the immune system. Apart from pain relief, the CBD helps regenerate and promotes cell regrowth.