CBD For Seizures

Epilepsy is a chronic neurological illness characterized by frequent, unprovoked seizures, according to the Michigan Epilepsy Foundation. Epilepsy has a negative impact on all parts of a person’s life. Seizures can induce violent tremors, and people who are suffering from epilepsy are more likely to have sleep problems, headaches, depression, and several anxiety disorders.

Around 40% of all epilepsy types are drug-resistant, implying the patient does not respond to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs). AEDs are either ineffective or have too severe adverse effects for these people to continue treatment. That is why many people are turning to natural compounds to assist them to cope with their symptoms. CBD oil is one intriguing option that has had its antiepileptic properties thoroughly researched by specialists.

Keep reading this article to find out how CBD can help in managing seizures.

CBD For Seizures

Animal studies from the 1970s were the first to show that cannabis chemicals can be used to treat seizures. The researchers looked into the anticonvulsant capabilities of THC and CBD oils and discovered that both extracts had significant impacts on mice. Early research suggested that the endocannabinoid system may play a role in seizure activity regulation.

Most of the case studies published in the late 1990s and early 2000s mainly looked at the effect of CBD/THC solutions on epilepsy. Because THC is psychoactive, contemporary medicine has switched its attention to CBD. The first CBD-based medication received FDA approval in June 2018.

Epidiolex, the CBD oral spray, is made up of 99 percent CBD. It’s used to treat childhood epilepsy that is resistant to treatment, such as Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. Both disorders start in infancy and often result in a child’s motor abilities, language, intellectual capacity, and ability to communicate with others being delayed or impaired.

Best Ways To Use CBD To Treat Epilepsy

CBD is available in a variety of shapes and sizes. Epidiolex is a 99 percent pure CBD oral solution that is the only FDA-approved CBD therapy for epilepsy. Sublingual CBD drops, CBD capsules, and CBD vape oils are all good options for trying CBD in a more natural form to see how it helps for your epilepsy symptoms.

The most prevalent type of CBD is sublingual CBD drops. The droplets are placed under the tongue using a dropper and absorbed into the circulation through specific membranes. CBD capsules provide a consistent dose of CBD in each serving, making dosing relatively easy when compared to sublingual drops and removing any natural hemp flavor.