CBD Benefits

An increasing number of individuals presently use the hemp-derived substance named cannabidiol to deal with their health issues. At the same time, there are ongoing studies on the advantage of cannabidiol to human health. Existing research reveals that it could aid in relieving anxiety, pain, and depression.

Several clinical trials have supported claims regarding CBD benefits, so numerous people are using the product. However, the thing with using any product for a medical purpose regularly is that its cost can be too much for some. The same applies to cannabidiol oil. CBD oil is usually not a pricey product in the market, but using it regularly will possibly result in more than affordable costs for you. So, some individuals frequently ask doctors whether insurance packages would cover it. Here, we will discuss whether any US health insurance policy covers cannabidiol oil.

Will Insurers Cover Cannabidiol’s Cost?

Besides standard customers, doctors have started noticing cannabidiol’s health benefits after seeing their patients’ health getting better. There are scientific studies backing the claim that cannabidiol has health properties and that it lacks any major side effects. So, some medical professionals prescribe cannabidiol as a substitute for standard medicine and as a complementary option to the latter. Patients are asking them whether health insurance covers the product cost.

It is unfortunate that American health insurance carriers are not covering it and medical cannabis, albeit doctors recommend both products for patient health. This insurance cannot help to meet the cost of either product even if you have a doctor’s recommendation stating that you are eligible to use it.

So, Why Are They Not Covering It?

Health insurers are yet to cover this cost, despite much evidence existing about cannabidiol’s health properties, and medical professionals recommending the product for patients. This makes us wonder why they are not doing it, even as numerous pharmaceuticals that have higher prices are covered.

Two things mainly keep them from covering cannabidiol oil’s cost. The first one is the FDA’s stance on cannabidiol. The government agency only approves the use of it, and that too, a specific brand’s product, for seizure symptoms of Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. In other words, it permits the use of Epidiolex® CBD oil for seizures in any of these two epilepsy types.

The second thing is that cannabidiol is listed in the ‘Schedule I’ category. Everything that comes under the category is a controlled substance, and that includes marijuana.