CBD And Pregnancy

One of the active cannabinoid compounds of the cannabis plant, CBD, is being widely used among people all over the world these days. The main reason for the huge popularity of CBD is the numerous health benefits it can provide. Today, a wide range of CBD products are available in the market.

Here, we will take a look at whether using CBD during pregnancy is safe for you or not.

Is CBD Safe To Use During Pregnancy?

The studies on the effects of CBD on the human body are very limited. Some existing studies are showing that CBD can help in alleviating numerous health problems. However, the Food and Drug Administration of the United States is advising against the use of CBD during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Some recent studies are showing that the use of CBD during pregnancy may negatively affect the unborn baby. Some animal studies have shown that exposure to CBD in the womb can lead to neurobehavioral consequences. The CBD may cause disruptions in the ECS of the baby during an early stage and it may cause long-lasting impacts.

One animal study has looked at the effect of CBD on pregnant mice. It was found that the use of CBD has led to many reproductive issues in male fetuses. You should note that these effects of CBD may not be transferable to humans and more studies are going on to find whether that is the case.

Using CBD During Breastfeeding

Currently, there are no studies that directly looked into how CBD affects breastfeeding women and the baby. Therefore, it is better to avoid this cannabinoid during that time. Some existing studies are showing that the chemicals in the marijuana plant may pass through the breast milk and negatively affect the baby. However, studies have still to figure out whether CBD also passes through breast milk. Another reason why CBD is not recommended during breastfeeding is that it may make you sleep, which will be dangerous when you are carrying your child.

Final Thoughts

The studies of CBD and pregnancy are very limited and you should not jump to any conclusions and start using CBD when you are pregnant. Always consult a doctor for opinion and follow what they say. Even if you are not pregnant, only use CBD products that are manufactured by reputed companies.