CBD For Sleep

Sleep terror or night terror is a sleeping disorder that can disrupt a person’s sleep. Even though this condition is commonly found in children, it can affect adults too. In most cases, sleep terrors in children can go away on their own by the age of 12. However, some children might have to suffer from this condition for a much longer time.

It is important to treat this sleep disorder if it poses a risk to your child’s safety. There are several treatments available for sleep terrors including some natural remedies. CBD is a great natural alternative you can try to treat sleep terrors in your child in a safe and effective way. The use of CBD for sleep is highly popular among people, as this compound is known for its sleep-inducing properties. Now, you can use it to treat sleep terrors in both children and adults. As it is a natural product, you don’t have to worry about your child experiencing severe side effects that are commonly associated with various medications that are used for promoting sleep.

What Are Sleep Terrors?

This disorder includes episodes of thrashing, shouting, and intense fear during sleep. This condition can make a person wake up from their sleep breathless, frightened, and sweaty.

Sleep terrors are a type of sleep disorder that comes under the category “parasomnias”. This condition is different from that of nightmares, as the latter wakes a person up, but a person experiencing sleep terror will remain asleep. Night terrors can also lead to problems like sleepwalking.

Some of the common signs a person may show during sleep terrors include:

  • Kicking and thrashing
  • Severe sweating and breathing heavily
  • Staring wide-eyed
  • Terrifying screams
  • Dilated pupils
  • Difficulty to wake up
  • Sleepwalking
  • Depression
  • Confusion after waking up

There are different factors that can contribute to sleep terrors including stress, anxiety, PTSD, sleep apnea, genetics, fever, sleep deprivation, too much caffeine, extreme fatigue, etc.

CBD For Sleep Terrors

CBD can help to deal with sleep terrors by improving the quality of your sleep. It can also aid to prevent this problem by alleviating various other ailments that can contribute to sleep terrors. You can use CBD for anxiety, stress, and other mental disorders, which are common causes of sleep terrors in people. It can also help with various other sleeping disorders like restless legs syndrome which can increase the risk of experiencing night terrors.

Therefore, with the aid of CBD, it will be possible for you to control the night terrors in your child effectively.